• Review

Danger! EP Review

Danger! Is back, and no that is not a warning of some sort, or maybe it is? Either way we slice this though Danger! The band released their first four song ep a week ago, and it has been an honor to sit with this and to now review for the fellas. When we last touched base with them, they had released “Good Friends” as a single and is included on this ep, and they had a couple of shows lined up, and more upcoming, but more on that later. Let’s dig in, shall we.

First, I have been patiently waiting for this ep to drop ever since I heard “Good Friends.” Why may you ask yourself? Well, these guys, and as a refresher for those new to the band, and just because they are Zack Jordan (guitar), Zane Thompson (guitar), Brendan Eveslage (bass), Graham Parks (drums), and the incomparable Zach Weigel on vocals. With these four songs, it’s been nothing but smiles for me, and I’m not even really sure why? Lately, there have been only three things able to make me do that reflexively family, the banana bread dood video, and this ep. It’s been a trying year, and when the first track called Danger! – Intro came on it was instantaneous.

The ep, the sound, all of it sounds refreshing. Like someone in the multiverse hit a reset button and out came Danger! Taking the sci-fi out of this, they’ve put four songs together where they all equally shine. The guitars bounce off each other. I’m not sure if Zack and Zane trade solos or not, probably should have asked, but you know as Iris Dement once sang “think I’ll just let the mystery be.” Even if they don’t it doesn’t really matter because everyone gets to shine. The bass leads in a song, and as a someone who dabbled with the bass, much respect and shout to Brendan Eveslage. I could make the whole review about Brendan, but that would be far too niche, lol. Yep, laugh out loud or LOL has happened for anyone counting. Graham Parks on the drums shines as well, but most especially on “Good Friends.” He is equally formidable, and his presence is known throughout the ep. On “Modern Views” I like the snare he has going on during the rests. Then the incomparable Zach Weigel. One would ask why incomparable? That’s twice now. Incomparable because his vocals alone leave me lost for words, and his lyrics are poignant, dark, and simply lovely. I’m sure some publication out there could compare him to this person or that, and that’s fine but he is himself, and that’s what I enjoy, and continue to enjoy.

The band though as a whole simply continues to leave me with a smile and that warm fuzzy feeling. When I turned the record on for the first time driving to work, I simply sat back, smiled, and it was a great way to start the day, and I’ve been doing it ever since. Four tracks that came to me at the right time. I never know what will come out of my stereo or headphones on that first listen, and hearing five humans put together four songs that made me smile as a reflex to what I heard, well yeah. The sound rocks and the winter won’t be so cold having this to listen to.

If this your introduction to Danger! Then awesome, listen on repeat, kick back, and enjoy. If this isn’t then you know this and more. You can check them out on all the socials for any upcoming shows. Back on Halloween they played what looked to be an awesome time! So, check em out live, give em a like and share, and scoop up some of their music most importantly. They are doing some truly great things musically. Like the guys said at the end of the intro song “well, that take was shit. Um, let’s do it again.” Until next time be well and enjoy.


  • Review

REVIEW: Good Friends by Danger!

Danger! Put together a song that I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to. I’ve heard a few musicians and artists say, “Always leave them wanting more,” and Danger! has certainly done that.