A former DIY booking dude with a love for under-heard bands and an appreciation for live music (when he can get to a show), Jared's a father of 2 super weird kids, married to an even weirder woman... and he wouldn't have it any other way. Writing about music since high school, he' evangelistic when it comes to the music he loves, friendly with everyone who cares to chat and always looking for the next noodly, off-time and mathy guitar driven band that nobody's ever hear of. He writes about local music and reviews albums as often as he's able.
PUP at Bogart's TONIGHT
PUP (abbreviation for Pathetic Use of Potential) is a Canadian punk rock band from Toronto and they are headed to Bogart's TONIGHT with Angel Du$t and OCEANATOR!
Courtney Phenicie
Let's talk about Morbid Stuff - Pup comes to Cincinnati
Pup arrives in Cincinnati with Ratboys and Casper Skulls this coming Wednesday, May 22, where they’re headlining Bogarts