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The Jared Presley Experience, Kyleen Downes, and Microbat at The Southgate House Revival

The Jared Presley Experience, Kyleen Downes, and Microbat will be playing The Southgate House Revival on Thursday, July 25th! It's free, so no excuses to not come and experience it for yourself!

We had the chance to chat with Jared Presley before the show!

What can we expect from The Jared Presley Experience at The Southgate House Revival?
 The show will be three acts, The Jared Presley Experience, Kyleen Downes, and Microbat. I plan to kick things off at 9. Great music to be had. With my set, it will be me on my guitar and Ryan Wells on drums. It's instrumental rock. I'll be debuting physical copies of my new CD at the show. There will be other merchandise as well.  

For those not in the know, please give us some background on Jared Presley…
 I've been playing guitar for 25 years now. This current interaction of the project is to showcase my love for the guitar.

What is next for The Jared Presley Experience?
 As far as what is next with the project, I'm writing new songs, recording, and planning to play live here and there. Ryan is setting up his drum store!
