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San Holo Brings bb u ok? tour to Bogarts

San Holo is bringing his bb u ok? Tour to Bogarts tomorrow!

We had the pleasure to chat with San Holo prior to the show tomorrow. Grab your tickets now, if you haven't already!

How has it been to get back out on the road?
  Honestly surreal. I went from constantly travelling to then being stuck in one place for over a year pretty much right into 3 months on a bus tour so there’s definitely been an adjustment. That said, I’m really thankful for the opportunity to be able to finally play the new album for everybody. I had been sitting on this piece of music for so long without any idea if I would ever really be able to perform it the way I wanted it too and I’m glad that’s now coming to fruition.

What can one expect at a San Holo show?
 A lot of San Holo music from across the eras, good energy and and hopefully a good time for everybody. I want to showcase this new album that I’ve spent so much time working on, but at the same time I want to leave room for some of the classics as well. We also experimented a lot with a whole new visual show made up of live cameras and hand-drawn visuals. It’s a visual aesthetic I haven’t seen anywhere else yet and I’m stoked with how it turned out!

I am in love with your ‘stay vibrant” movement. Last year was tough on everyone and words were often hard to come by. How does it make you feel that % has taken off so much and seems to resonate with everyone?
 I think there’s something universal about just looking at somebody’s % and basically knowing exactly how they’re feeling at that moment. That’s honestly how it started too, I just told a friend that I was feeling about 65?% and it just clicked right away for them. It’s of course nice to see a lot of people have resonated with the whole concept of stay vibrant and I hope people remember that at the core, it’s not about just being positive all the time. It’s about taking the good with the bad and accepting that that’s OK because that’s how life is.

What is next for San Holo?
 Survive this bus tour. Keep making new memories every night with my listeners. Then think about what I want to do next year musically.
