• Feature

Malibu Wild Starts 2020 Strong

Malibu Wild started the new year off right with the release of their new single, “I’m Not Leaving!” We were excited to chat with the band about what they were up to in 2019, the new single and what is next!

“I’m Not Leaving” is an anthem for new beginnings, starting a new chapter, and staying strong.

Tell us about what Malibu Wild has been up to in 2019…

Most of 2019 was us establishing Malibu Wild as a household name in the Cincinnati music scene; playing shows, meeting new people, and gaining new fans. 4-6 months of 2019 was us writing and recording our newest single “I’m Not Leaving.” It’s a song we never anticipated would take this long to put out, but we knew going into releasing the song that it was an end of an era, so we wanted to make sure it was just right for us to close the first chapter of Malibu Wild.

What was the inspiration behind the new single, “I’m Not Leaving?”

The inspiration behind “I’m Not Leaving” was wanting to write something different than “American Dream.” We have our vision on what stories we want our music to tell. “I’m Not Leaving” is just a tiny look on the inside of what’s next musically and visually for Malibu Wild.

What is next for Malibu Wild?

Next, Malibu Wild is going to Nashville in January to record our next single. There’s much more going on behind the scenes that we can’t publicly talk about at the moment.

2020 for Malibu Wild is the end an era. A new decade.
