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Shawn Colvin to Serenade Us at The Taft Theatre

Grammy-winning singer/songwriter Shawn Colvin will be performing at The Taft Theatre on Tuesday, March 20th with Lyle Lovett! Shawn Colvin recently released the Amazon Original, The Starlighter, a new album of songs adapted from the children's music book "Lullabies and Night Songs."

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The Starlighter is an album of lullabies inspired by a book that Colvin was given when she was 8 years-old called "Lullabies and Night Songs" by famed 20th century composer Alec Wilder, illustrated by Maurice Sendak (Where The Wild Things Are), which was published in 1965. The book is now out of print and hard to come by but has left a lasting impression on Colvin to this day. The Starlighter is also a semi-follow up to her 1998 album Holiday Songs and Lullabies which contained a couple songs that were also inspired by the book.

As a new mother with no singing abilities, THANK YOU.
