This fall beer, art, and comedy combine as The Carnegie kicks off the inaugural season of its new G.E.T. Together series with Drinking About Art: The Bob Ross Debate on Friday, October 7 at 7:30pm.
Part “art lecture,” part drinking game, and all fun, Drinking About Art: The Bob Ross Debate pits artist Michael Stillion and art historian Kim Paice against each other for a humorous debate centered on the merits of PBS painter Bob Ross. Their discussion is more than an art lecture – it’s also an interactive drinking game with audience participation encouraged. Audience members will raise a glass when they hear the secret word, and will have the opportunity to play crazy games and win prizes. OTRimprov will join in the evening for even more hilarity.
“Bob Ross is having a resurgence now that his series, The Joy of Painting, is available to stream online,” said Carnegie Theatre Director Maggie Perrino. “We thought it would be fun to kick off the G.E.T. Together series by celebrating his contribution to the arts while having a laugh at one of the first ‘reality tv’ series of its time. Wanting to make it even more social and interactive, we thought we'd add an audience participation (fun drinking game) component.”
Doors open at 6:30pm for a special Drinking About Art: The Bob Ross Debate happy hour with light hors d’oeuvres in The Carnegie Galleries.
Tickets are $21, $15 for students and include a complimentary drink. Purchase two or more G.E.T. Together Series events at the same time and receive a $3 discount on all tickets. Tickets may be purchased through The Carnegie Box Office at 859.957.1940, open Tuesday through Friday, noon to 5pm, or online at