It’s that time of year again. Some may say the best time of the year. It’s time to pack up yer’ car and head down to Friendship, Indiana for the Whispering Beard Folk Festival. For those who have not been – GO!! It’s the most welcoming music festival I have ever been to. Upon walking or driving past those gates, you are family. Check out our photo gallery from last year here.
Founded in 2008 by Matthew Wabnitz and Katfish Williams with the idea that many of their friends had these amazing bands, so why not put on an outdoor show for all them to play and all of their friends to show up. Their friends showed up. Year after year this festival becomes a bit larger. This festival takes place without big corporate sponsorship, but just with word of mouth and a lot of pounding the pavement from the musicians playing the festival.
What Whispering Beard Folk Festival is about:
We've picked with you and sang with you. Danced, dream and laughed with you. Because WBFF isn't about any one person, or one group, its about the community. It's about the need to preserve traditional folk music as well as encourage a new wave of younger folk-inspired musicians. It's about the soil in bluegrass, the dirt behind the fingernails. Its about banjos and brothers, and fiddles and sisters. And soul possessed country singers. Its about you and about me and everywhere any of us have ever been.
WBFF isn't just a festival, its something greater than that. It's something you just feel in the pit of your stomach like a first kiss or spring. It's about you and me and us...for three days it's just about us.
Whispering Beard Folk Festival Runs Thursday, August 27th thru Sunday, August 30th. Check out the full lineup and schedule HERE. Go buy tickets HERE!