Island Universe Story Two is the second in an ongoing series of EPs from Helado Negro, aka Roberto Lange.
The EP is underpinned by collaborations -- the orchestral sound on the opening "Stop Living Dead," for instance, was created with composer Trey Pollard and a double string quartet, and "Mitad del Mundo" features the talents of Wilco's Mikael Jorgenson -- but the Helado Negro project has never operated in a vacuum. From his headquarters in Brooklyn, Lange has always been quick to point out the importance of other people, sometimes in other places, who have contributed to his music, and of the collaborative dynamic itself. Some aspects of his process "are wildly free, and some of them are very structured and have a large amount of direction; it's widely variable in terms of what freedoms are given and what control is taken," says Lange. Ultimately, Lange loves the idea of process and what happens on the other side. Both the aesthetically satisfying product and the experimental process are important to him, and like any Helado Negro release, this latest chapter in the "Island Universe Story" delivers on both counts.
Helado Negro's Island Universe Story Two is out digitally next week, and on cassette in September.
Catch Helado Negro at MPMF Saturday September 28th, 12:15a m at MOTR!