Cult of Sorrow is a doom metal band from Cincinnati, Ohio inspired by early heavy metal in it's most primal format. Their 2nd full length album, Invocation Of The Lucifer, is based on traditional witchcraft where the horned god, be it Lucifer, Satan, Pan, Cernunnos, etc., is not seen as a source of ultimate evil, but as a liberating force of nature. Freeing mankind from the shackles and constraints of modern religion and social dogma. Allowing one to live more in tune with their natural
Cult of Sorrow is a doom metal band from Cincinnati, Ohio inspired by early heavy metal in it's most primal format. Their 2nd full length album, Invocation Of The Lucifer, is based on traditional witchcraft where the horned god, be it Lucifer, Satan, Pan, Cernunnos, etc., is not seen as a source of ultimate evil, but as a liberating force of nature. Freeing mankind from the shackles and constraints of modern religion and social dogma. Allowing one to live more in tune with their natural instincts, drives and the elements of nature.
The album is available on 180gm, maroon/orange/black splatter vinyl, CD and digital download at