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Sport Fishing USA

  • Homemade Drugs
Sport Fishing USA
Sport Fishing USA, an album generated by a band of the same name, is a strange and beguiling work. Alternating between sincere and intelligent folk rock tunes and noodly emotional instrumental electro jams it feels disjointed, almost as if two albums were jammed into one space, but at the same time transmits as sense of cohesion and songwriting chops that remind me of kinks/modest mouse/DEJJ. There is a soul and sensibility behind this work that really gets me and this comes to the forefront on the closing track, “Proud and A Patriot” that weds the two disparaging threads of the work and then just abruptly disappears. Real Americana. Purchase and like. A+

Homemade Drugs
Fact: We are a rock band in Cincinnati that will play at your club, bar, concert hall, wind farm, petting zoo or house.



The Southgate House Revival (The Revival Room)